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十大靠谱网赌平台 - 推荐十大靠谱网赌平台




事情发生的经过: The waters went down 和 the recovery kicked in as 北 Carolinians began to get a true assessment of what is likely to be the most damaging hurricane to hit the state since at least Hurricane Floyd in 1999. 

单词释义: One estimate put the number of 损害d residential 和 commercial properties in 北 Carolina, 南卡罗来纳和弗吉尼亚700名,000, 大部分人都处于这种状态. 

利用: 特别立法会议将于10月10日举行. 开始提供一些国家援助来应对这场灾难, 预计一周后开会讨论更多问题. 

: T在这里 is a long road ahead for recovery in southeastern 北 Carolina, 不幸的是, 与此同时,充满争议的选举季也在如火如荼地进行, 围绕重建工作的政治角力已经开始.


灾后重建的艰苦工作已经在城镇和地区展开 cities across southeastern 北 Carolina, 和 we hope the 信息 that following对这项任务很有帮助. 通过县域开展工作仍然至关重要 Emergency Management Offices as they coordinate local, state 和 federal 努力.

这个政府学院的临时网站 提供了一个 range of recovery-related 信息, including FEMA rules, 和 a recently posted a FEMA Disaster Cost Documentation Spreadsheet can be used to help meet requirements so that you can have the best opportunity for having eligible 费用报销. 此资料表 提供有关规则的信息 以获得联邦应急管理局的补偿. N.C. Division of Emergency Management is also warning local governments that FEMA rules for so-called Direct Administrative Costs cannot be contracted without public bidding unless the contract is under the $10,000 micro-purchasing 阈值.

N.C. 建筑检查员协会,合作 with the Office of State Fire Marshal, has set up a response team to assist 巡检负荷异常小区. 为了利用这一资源, contact your local Emergency Management representative 和 request assistance from the Disaster Code Enforcement Response Team (DCERT) or find additional 信息 在这里.值得注意的是,州法律要求 electrical inspections for flooded homes 和 businesses before electricity can 恢复.

金叶基金会负责管理资金的分配 穿过北方.C. Hurricane Florence Relief Fund, a charitable disaster assistance fund set up by the state. 奖助金可颁予下列人士 units of local government 和 501(c)3 nonprofit tax-exempt organizations, 和 eligible projects include provision off temporary housing 和 rental assistance 提供紧急物资. 项目必须位于某县以下 联邦灾难声明. 找到更多关于救济基金的信息 在这里.

与此同时, 应对风暴, the Division of Water Infrastructure has extended its deadline to complete the fall round of applications for water infrastructure. 截止日期已延长一个多月,至10月10日. 31. 查找更多信息 在这里.​​​​

为了应对佛罗伦萨飓风造成的破坏, 议员们将于10月10日返回罗利. 2,供特别会议审议 救灾包. 会议将集中讨论当前的问题,包括 compensation for education personnel for days schools were closed during the storm, school calendar flexibility, addressing any hurdles affecting federal aide, delaying some small business tax deadlines, funding disaster-related accounts 调整车辆产权置换政策. 立法会议员预计将于10月10日再次复会. 解决各州确定的其他需要 机构. 阅读并听到更多关于特别会议的消息 在这里
在华盛顿,美国总统巴拉克.S. 众议院通过立法 本周将提供1美元.70亿美元用于灾难援助 at victims of Florence, with the expectation of passing more assistance later. 北 Carolina farmers 和 livestock growers are believed to have suffered more than $1.1 billion in losses as a result of the storm, according to the state 农业部. 北卡罗来纳大学威尔明顿分校的损失非常严重 课程要到10月才会重新开始. 8. 佛罗伦萨也扰乱了 operations at local 选举 offices, but the State Board of Elections 和 local boards say that they are still meeting deadlines ahead of the November 选举. 本周也标志着自风暴以来的第一次 portions of I-95 和 I-40 had been reopened, improving access to a number of 风暴肆虐的社区,包括威尔明顿. 尽管如此,大概有270个章节 of roads remained closed on Thursday, many of them suffering significant 损害. 阅读更多关于佛罗伦萨的回应 在这里在这里.

北卡罗来纳号 市政推荐十大靠谱网赌平台公布了一项 阿片解决方案工具箱 旨在更好地帮助会员城市和城镇地址 阿片类药物滥用在全州蔓延. 这个工具箱,可以找到 在NCLM网站上 在这里, includes real-world advice from police chiefs who are on the ground fighting the opioid epidemic 和 have implemented programs that are making a difference. NLCM President 和 Jacksonville Mayor Pro Tem Michael Lazzara, who led the effort to create this resource, 说 he hopes highlighting best practices will encourage more communities to adopt effective programs, while recognizing that 没有一个单一的想法适用于所有的社区.我们的执法部门领导说 我们不能靠逮捕来解决这个问题. 不过,我们可以找到更好的 ways to promote prevention, enhance enforcement 和 improve treatment,” Lazzara 说. You can also learn more about the local 努力 making a difference in the latest episode of 市政方程, the League’s acclaimed podcast, found 在这里.​​

国家机构工作人员周三提出了几项建议 assist local governments that face challenges in operating their water systems. 这些建议是针对……提出的 考试 供水系统的财政健康和运作 临时立法委员会. 一开始,主持人就承认 that in most cases, circumstances such as population 和 business loss or 自然灾害导致了供水系统的困境. 作为回应, presenters—experts overseeing the state’s water infrastructure funds 和 local governments’ finances—suggested that the legislature appropriate millions 每年资助解决方案. 他们说,这些解决方案可能包括 regionalization 和 other arrangements designed to set these water systems on a 通往长期生存能力之路. 国务院的一位代表 Treasurer Dale Folwell also prompted committee members to look at creating a class of municipalities called “historic charters,” which would relinquish some taxing authority to county governments, but would keep in place an elected 市政委员会和有限的市政服务. 立法会议员表示 interest in all ideas proposed, 和 agreed to consider them further once they 今年秋天晚些时候得到了各机构负责人的正式批准. 最终, committee will propose legislation for introduction in the 2019 legislative 会话. 联系人: 艾琳Wynia

A 新报告 from the National League of Cities recommends ways that municipalities can adapt their recycling programs in response to Chinese policies that eventually will mean a complete ban on solid waste imports. NLC首席执行官兼执行董事克拉伦斯·安东尼 ​说 cities ​​need to think more critically about waste management​, recycling, 和 domestic market opportunties 和 development ahead of the ban. China has historically been a huge importer of ​​recyclables to feed its manufacturing in​dustries, 和 as such has been a ​key driver of dem和 for many of the recyclables collected by cities 和 towns, 包括纸张和塑料. China's new policies established a ban on ​mixed paper 和 plastics earlier this year, 并将从2020年开始禁止所有固体废物进口. ​ ​