十大靠谱网赌平台 - 推荐十大靠谱网赌平台

十大靠谱网赌平台 - 推荐十大靠谱网赌平台




事情发生的经过: 自上次我们谈话以来,2017-18立法机构永久休会(在推翻了12月底的一些否决之后),第九届国会选区竞选 仍无证, and a partial federal government shutdown began and continues as of this writing. 
单词释义: 现在大多数政治新闻的核心都是联邦的,但是, 认识到地方层面的影响, organizations including the National League of Cities have voiced concern over the shutdown and 本周重申了这一点 通过曝光帮助当地社区的联邦基金的枯竭.  "Cities don’t have the luxury of waiting -- we urge the federal government to act now and honor its responsibility to serve the American people,NLC主席凯伦·弗里曼-威尔逊说, 加里市长, 印第安纳州.
利用: 不过,事情正在州一级发生. One state agency opened a new office focused on hurricane recovery (see blurb in this Bulletin), 新一届大会正在前往罗利的路上, 2019年的长会议将于1月11日在那里采取第一批操作步骤. 9. 与此同时,临时立法委员会正在开会. 
瘦子: 随着2019年的帷幕拉开,各级政府有很多变化. 的 League will be there to cover all that matters to North Carolina's cities and towns -- and with a new addition to our Public and 政府ernment Affairs team. 请继续阅读以了解详情. 

你知道推荐十大靠谱网赌平台奖励了142美元吗,健康补助金, 举办活动87场, 出版定期刊物近150种, 超过4美元.500万美元用于2018年的债务抵销计划? 这些只是推荐十大靠谱网赌平台获得的众多成功数据中的一小部分 2018年度报告,这让繁忙的一年一点一点地过去. “当我们回顾过去的一年, we can be especially proud that the North Carolina League of Municipalities continues to evolve into an organization that is increasingly responsive to the challenges faced by our towns and cities on so many fronts," said League President Michael Lazzara and 执行董事 Paul Meyer in a letter setting the tone for the report. 它还着眼于新的市政运营顾问计划, 我们关于社区宽带需求的综合报告, 我们对抗阿片类药物滥用的工具箱, and other big highlights from the year that greatly improved League services without any increases in membership dues. 在这里阅读年度报告全文.

的 League is thrilled to announce Demetrius Deloatch as the newest member of its Public and 政府ernmental Affairs Team. 作为政府事务助理, Deloatch becomes a part of the League's ongoing mission of positive results at the General Assembly, 他已经是一个熟悉的面孔了吗, having interned for legislators in both the House and Senate while in school and later serving as a legislative and regulatory research analyst for Raleigh lobbying firm Troutman Sanders Strategies. “我们对Demetrius的精力印象深刻, skills and knowledge of what cities and towns care about at the General Assembly, 我们很高兴他能加入我们的团队," said League Associate 执行董事 of Public and 政府ernment Affairs Rose Vaughn Williams. Deloatch, 原产于康威, 是伊丽莎白市立大学2015届毕业生吗, 他在哪里获得了政治学和公共管理学士学位, 以优异成绩毕业. 两年后, he obtained his master's in public affairs with special focus on local government management. 他一月一日入团. 2. “It is an honor to be working with such a reputable organization," Deloatch said. "I look forward to advocating on behalf of the municipalities of the great state of North Carolina.“他将与威廉姆斯合作, 立法顾问Erin Wynia说, 立法 and Regulatory Counsel Sarah Collins and others on the staff heading into the 2019 legislative long session. 请和我们一起欢迎Deloatch加入我们的团队.

Washington City Council Member and League Vice President William Pitt has been appointed to the National League of Cities' 2019 Race, 公平及领导委员会, where he will play a "key role in shaping NLC's policy positions and advocate on behalf of America's cities and towns before Congress, 无论是在行政部门还是在家里,“根据一个 新闻发布会上. 的 council focuses on expanding the capacity of local elected officials to improve issues of race, 缩小差距,创造更公平的社区. 皮特在新闻稿中说:“我很兴奋,也准备好订婚了。. “当我们所有人都在桌旁时,我们就赢了." 其他最近加入的声音 from North Carolina to the NLC table include League 执行董事 Paul Meyer and Jacksonville Council Member Angelia Washington, 都加到 NLC的董事会.

这是正在进行的最大的联邦项目之一, 影响着我们所有人, 地方政府领导人将在其中发挥关键作用. 在最新一期节目中 在市政方程播客中,我们将深入了解2020年的人口普查. 我们需要知道什么? 这对我们的城市和城镇有什么好处? 这次有什么不同呢? (提示:互联网.数据是如何使用的? 我们怎么能确定它是准确的? 从中得到的好处数不胜数,利害攸关. 加入我们与美国总统奥巴马的精彩对话.S. 人口普查局,全国城市推荐十大靠谱网赌平台,N.C. Office of State Budget and Management, and an expert from academia on this, our 60th episode. 市政方程 is the League's acclaimed podcast about cities and towns adapting in the face of change. 向主持人/制作人提出剧集的想法或主题 本•布朗.

在它离开之前,2018年联合国大会投票推翻了这一决议 政府. 罗伊·库珀的否决 of SB 469 Technical Corrections, a piece of legislation we followed in this Bulletin. 比尔, 涵盖了许多问题, came with a new provision to make it clear that an existing limitation on not requiring new or increased stormwater controls for preexisting development or redevelopment “applies to all local governments regardless of the source of their regulatory authority.” It additionally required local governments include that limitation in their stormwater ordinances. 政府. 库珀于12月11日否决了该法案. 21. "Ending stormwater and water quality protections threaten the safety of our communities,他解释道. 的 legislature put the bill into law by overriding the governor's veto a week later. 点击这里 有关法例的详情.

想知道更多关于为你的社区带来更好的宽带的信息吗? 加入我们 让我们联系, a statewide series of conversations about broadband access led by national and state experts to engage local residents. 这些活动是由推荐十大靠谱网赌平台赞助的,明尼阿波利斯,明尼苏达州.美国当地自力更生研究所和N.C. 宽带的问题. 活动定于1月10日举行. 1月28日,阿尔伯马尔. 29日在福奎-瓦里纳和1月. 杰克逊维尔30人. 请 使用此链接 有关注册详情.

下周四,N.C. 环境管理委员会(EMC)将考虑 财政的影响 of proposed changes to the Nutrient Strategy Rules for the Neuse and Tar-Pam Basins. 的y will be doing so to determine whether to send the proposed rule changes and the fiscal note out for public comment. Of interest to local governments in those basins is that these rules have a regulatory impact on both wastewater dischargers and stormwater programs. 在2017年底和整个2018年,N.C. Department of Environmental Quality reached out to stakeholders in these basins regarding the substance of the proposed rules, 但估计的财政影响是最近才公布的. 有关更多信息,请参阅 EMC的网站 (第二个议程项目).

的re's a new state office focused on the flow of federal money to hurricane-impacted communities. 在公共安全部,N.C. Office of Recovery and Resiliency has just named its top officials and is "working to streamline the process for administering federal block grants for Hurricane Matthew recovery and planning for additional federal funding for residents affected by Hurricane Florence,”他说。 新闻发布会上. 该州已经从美国政府获得了2.36亿美元的整体拨款.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for Hurricane Matthew needs and is awaiting word on such funds for the Hurricane Florence recovery. 的 新闻发布会上 有更多的信息和新办公室领导的名单吗.